Materials from the Math Assessment Project
The Mathematics Assessment Project is part of the Math Design Collaborative initiated by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project set out to design and develop well-engineered tools for formative and summative assessment that expose students’ mathematical knowledge and reasoning, helping teachers guide them towards improvement and monitor progress. The tools are relevant to any curriculum that seeks to deepen students' understanding of mathematical concepts and develop their ability to apply that knowledge to non-routine problems.
Formative Assessment Lessons: Classroom Challenges
100 lessons for formative assessment, some focused on developing math concepts, others on solving non-routine problems. A Brief Guide for teachers and administrators (PDF) is recommended reading before using these lessons for the first time.
Summative Assessment Tasks
A set of 94 exemplar summative assessment tasks to illustrate the range of performance goals required by CCSSM. The tasks come with scoring rubrics and examples of scored student work.
Prototype Tests
Complete summative test forms and rubrics designed to help teachers and students monitor their progress using a range of task types similar to the 'Tasks' section.
Professional Development Modules
5 Prototype modules that encourage groups of teachers to explore the practical and pedagogical concepts behind the materials, such as formative assessment, collaborative learning and the use of unstructured problems.
The TRU Math Tools Suite
The Teaching for Robust Understanding of Mathematics (TRU Math) suite is a set of tools with applications in Professional Development and research based around a framework for characterizing powerful learning environments.